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Collaborative Research Networks

The seminar on "Collaborative Research Networks: How to Get Started and Ensure Productivity?" was organized by the Faculty of Nursing Science on 19 February, 2018 at Salle d' expo, Huamak Campus, Assumption University. The purpose of the seminar is to describe the Faculty of Nursing Science collaborative research policy and challenges and to encourage collaboration between its members and other nursing professionals in order to create and spread advanced knowledge in the field of nursing education by sharing the exchange of ideas with variety of current health issues. During the seminar, Professor Emeritus Dr.Lily Stojanovska explored the ways to begin and strengthen collaborative networking for future directions. In addition, the Faculty of Nursing Science is very grateful to Professor Emeritus. Dr.Lily as she devoted her greater contribution in this seminar by providing the challenges and opportunities of collaborative research initiatives that help to promote future partnership between its members and other health institutions.