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Nursing Induction Camp 2020

Warm Welcoming Program for AU Freshy Nursing Science Students. Nursing Student Committee of Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science organizes Nursing Induction Camp Project for freshmen studying in the academic year 2020 on December 20, 2020 from 13.00-18.00 hrs. at Salle d’Expo, Hua-Mak campus. The objectives of this project are to promote good relationship among freshmen, nursing students, and faculty members, to make freshmen proud of being AU nursing students, to strengthen traditional culture of our nursing school to the new comers through many activities including ice breaking, group activity, welcoming speech from Assistant Professor Dr. Nanthaphan Chinlumprasert, the Former Dean and Advisor of School of Nursing Science and Dr. Pimsiri Bhusiri, the current Dean. Bai-Sri ceremony is performed to welcome and blessing freshmen.