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Asst. Prof. Dr. Siriporn Poonraksa



Assistant Professor Dr.Siriporn Poonruksa


Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science, Assumption University, Hua Mak Campus, Bangkok, 10240

Tel: 02-3004543-62 Ext.3505

Fax: 02-7191060

Email: siripornPnr@au.edu


1986 Bachelor degree of Nursing Science Thai Red Cross College of Nursing, Bangkok, Thailand      

1996 M. Ed. (Developmental Psychology) Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand

2004 Ph.D. (Educational Research Methodology) (Department of Education Research and Psychology) Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand

2013 Leadership for Change (LFC) Training in-cooperation with of International Council of Nurse (ICN) and Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC)


4511035536 issue 24 Dec.2022-23 Dec.2027


2013 Leadership for Change (LFC) Training in-cooperation with of International Council of Nurse (ICN) and Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC)


1985‑1988 R.N. (Intensive Care Unit), King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.

1989‑1993 R.N. (Public Health Department), Teacher Council, Bangkok, Thailand.

1993‑2005 Full time Instructor of Mental Health and Psychiatric  Nursing Division, Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.

2004-2005 Chairperson of Research and Evaluation Committee, Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand

2005-2007 Chairperson of Research and General Education and administrative committee, Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand

2007-2014 Full time lecturer and administrative committee,  Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University

2008-20201 Internal Audit and Assessment Teams for Academic Units, Assumption University

27 February, 2014-31 July 2015 Associate Dean, Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science, Assumption University

1 August, 2015-2021 Full time lecturer and administrative  committee, Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University

2013-2021 International Affairs Committee, The Nurses Association of Thailand

2017-present Advisor of Nursing Student Club Creating a Smoke-Free Society of Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science

2017-2020 Committee of Nurse Network on Tobacco Control: Central region, The Nurses’ Association of Thailand

2021 Co-Chairperson of Nurse Network on Tobacco Control: Central region, The Nurses’ Association of Thailand

2022 (October –present) Faculty member responsible for the program (Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing) of Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science


2000-present Research Instrument Validator for the Graduate Program of Chulalongkorn University/ Srinakharinwirot University/Burapa University, and Assumption University

2001-present Peer Review of Research in Education, Psychology, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, and Nursing Research

2002-present Consultant on Data Analysis of Research in Education, Psychology, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, and Nursing Research

2002-Present Research Assistant in Education, Psychology, and Nursing Areas

2005-present Guest speaker on topic of Nursing Research and Multiculturalism in healthcare, and Tobacco Control

2005 Researcher in collaboration with MIRT project, U.S.

2005 Editorial Board and Content Editor (Peer Review) of Thai Journal of Nursing

2006 Guest speaker of ONESQA for Quality Assurance in Higher Education

2007-Present Thesis committee and Measurement validator, Burapha University, Rachphatpibulsongkram University, Kasetsart University, Christian University, and Chulalongkorn University

2008-present IAAT, Assumption University of Thailand

2013 Attend ICN Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013

2015 Attend ICN Conference, Seoul, South Korea on June 18-23, 2015

2017 Attend ICN Congress, Barcelona, Spain on May 27-June 1, 2017

2022-present Peer review and Editorial board of research and academic articles of Christian University and Siam University                              


2000-2004 Assumption University Scholarship Award for Ph. D study

2004 Exceptional research presentation in International Conference arranged by SEMEO-UNESCO

2005 Excellence Dissertation Award, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

2006 Accepted for research presentation in Academic Conference and National Research Presentation “Innovation for Developing Learner” arranged by Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University

2006 Third class of Saint Thomas Aquinas Research Award from Assumption University

2007 Exceptional research presentation in Academic Conference and International Research Presentation arranged UPAL and SEAIR

2010 Research funds from the Nurses’ Association of Thailand on Tobacco Control

2013 Research funds from Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council for oral presentation in the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.

2014 Academic project funds and acceptional oral presentation for Tobacco Control project from the Nurse Association of Thailand on Tobacco Control

2019 Saint De La Salle Award, Commendable Service Award, Assumption University 

2018-2013 Outstanding Award on Nursing Student Club Creating a Smoke Free Society


1985-Present The Nurses’ Association of Thailand

1985-Present The Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council

1999-Present The Thailand Mental Health and Psychiatric Nurses’ Association


Poonruksa, S., Viratchai, N., and Pitiyanuwat, S. (2004). A Development of Measurement and Causal Models of Teacher Utilization Efficiency and A Study of Mode Invariance across Jurisdiction. (An International Presentation in SEMEO-UNESCO Education Congress and Expo: Adapting to Changing Time and Needs; Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand: 27-29 May 2004.)

Poonruksa, S. (2005). The Third Year Nursing Students’ Opinions toward the Integration of Student-Centered Approach for Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum (Presented in  the 3rd Nursing Research Seminar, Redison Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand. 22-24 August 2005)

Kirksey, R. and Poonruksa, S. (2005). The Relationship between Self Concept, Body Image and the Personal Health of the Assumption University Female Students. (Presented in Global Research Conference, UIC: Chicago, 28-29 October 2005)

Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Third Year Nursing Students’ Opinions toward the Integration of Student-Centered Approach for Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum (Presented in the Academic Conference and National Research Presentation, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand, 6-7 July 2006)

Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Integration of Student-Centered Approach toward Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum. (Paper is accepted to present in International Conference on Educational Leadership titled: Leadership in A Global Context: Perspectives and Challenges in Higher Education” arranged by Faculty of Education, Assumption University, in conjunction with the University Partners for Academic Leadership (UPAL) at Assumption University, Bangna Campus. 24-25 November 2006)

Supin, P., Chinlumprasert, N., Poonruksa, S., Taewrob, P., and Ponyot, T. (2006). The Effectiveness Outcomes of EMDR for Tsunami Survivors: Case Studies of Kholak, Phangnga Province. (Presented in International Conference entitled “From Asylum to Community” Prince Palace Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-4 July 2006)

Chinlumprasert, N, Supin, P., Ponyot, T., Tanawut, M., Taewrob, P, and Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Mental Health Service Utilizing EMDR with Tsunami Survivors in Thailand. (Presented in International Conference entitled “From Asylum to Community” Prince Palace Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-4 July 2006)

Supin, P., Chinlumprasert, N., Poonruksa, S., Taewrob, P., and Ponyot,T. (2006). The Opinion of Tsunami Survivors toward the Effectiveness Outcomes of EMDR: Case Studies of Kholak, Phangnga Province. (Presented in Academic Seminar and Research Presentation titled “Mental Health Promotion for Thai People in Present Society” Richmond Hotel, Nonthaburee, 30-31 August 2006)

Chinlumprasert, N, Supin, P., Ponyot, T., Tanawut, M., Taewrob, P, and Poonruksa, S. (2006). Utilizing EMDR for Mental Health Service with Tsunami Survivors in Thailand. (Presented in Academic Seminar and Research Presentation titled “Mental Health Promotion for Thai People in Present Society” Richmond Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 30-31 August 2006.)

Poonruksa, S. (2007) and Pheakpan, P. The Effectiveness Outcomes of Student-Centered Approach Integration in Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum: Case Study in Assumption University Nursing Students (Paper presented in SEAIR conference, 5-7 September 2007 at Suwarnabhumi campus, Assumption University, Thailand)

Poonruksa, S. (2009). Bridging the Gap between Nursing Service and Education with Learning Experience on Cultural Care. Poster presentation in the 1st International Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science entitled “Towards creating a new domain of nursing knowledge” on September 19-20 2009, at Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Japan.

Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S. (2009).  The Nurses of Community Training Model for Community Health System Development: The Community Participation Approach. (Oral presentation in the 1st International Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science entitled “Towards creating a new domain of nursing knowledge” on September 19-20, 2009, at Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Japan.)

Poonruksa, S. (2009). Bridging the Gap between Nursing Service and Education with Learning Experience on Cultural Care. (Oral presentation in the Silver Jubilee International Conference on “Toward the Modern Challengers of Nursing Profession for Sufficiency Health” November 18-19, 2009. S.D.Avenue Hotel, Bangkok.)

Poonruksa, S. (2010). “The Patterns and Causes of Drinking among Students in a Private University” (Paper presented in the 1st International Conference on Qualitative Research in Nursing & Health, on “Situating & Stipulating Qualitative Health Research in Today’s Practices”. Chiangrai, Thailand, December 1-3, 2010.)

Poonruksa S., Chinlumprasert, N., and Thummapol, O.“The Effects of Self-Directed Learning Program on Tobacco Control among Nursing Students, Faculty of Nursing Science, in Assumption University. (Presented in the APHET conference 2013, Phayub University, 31 May 2013 page 619-630.)

Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S. “Perceived Health Status and Accessibility to Health Care Services of Burmese Migrants in Central Thailand.” (Presented in the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.)

Poonruksa, S.  “The Effect of Language Handbook Guideline for Development English and Arabic Speaking Proficiency of Nursing Staff in a Private Hospital Readiness for ASEAN Community.”  (Presented in the Burapha University International Conference 2012 “Global Change: Opportunity & Risk”, Pattaya, Thailand, July 9-11. 2012:185-195.)

Poonruksa, S. “The Accessibility on Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in Bangkok Metropolitan.”  (Presented in the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.)

Poonruksa, S. “The Effect of Fall Prevention Tools on Fall Prevention Behaviors of Patients in a Private Hospital” Presented in National conference of nursing division, APHEIT entitled “Innovative Learning Skills for Excellent Nursing Competency”, page 100-107, 31 October1 November 2013 at John XXIII conference center,  Assumption University, Suvarnbhumi campus

Poonruksa, S. “The Barrier of Accessibility to Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in a Thai Muslim Community in Bangkok” Presented in the APHEIT national conference, 31 May 2014 at Vonchavalitkul University, Nakhonratchasima province

Poonruksa, S. “An Application of Continuous Quality Improvement Project; 3 Cs: Concern, Check, Confirm for Minimizing the Mismatch Patient’s Document in a Private Hospital” Presented in the APHEIT national conference, 15 January, 2015 at Siam University, Bangkok

Poonruksa, S. and Elsayed, M.E. (2019). Factors contributing to perception of health effects of electronic cigarettes smoking among Assumption University students. Oral presentation in the national conference entitled “Healthy and Prosperity: Power of Nurses in Transforming Innovative Aging Care”, arranging by the Association of Private Higher Education Institution (APHEIT): Nursing Division at John XXIII Conference Center, Assumption University, Suvarnbhumi Campus on March 28-29, 2019.


Poonruksa, S. (2002). Emotional Intelligence. AU Journal of Technology. Vol. 6 Number 1, July 2002.

Poonruksa, S. Viratchai, N., and Pitiyanuwat, S. (2004). A Development of Measurement and Causal Models of Teacher Utilization Efficiency and A Study of Models Invariance Across Jurisdiction. (Online Publication on SEMEO-UNESCO Website)

Poonruksa, S. (2005). The Third Year Nursing Students’ Opinions toward the Integration of Student-Centered Approach for Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum. (Abstract published in Proceedings of the 3 th Nursing Research Seminar: the Excellent Practice for the Health of Thai People. pp. 117, Thailand Nursing Council, Bangkok. 2005)

Poonruksa, S. and Kirksey, R. (2005). The Relationship between Self Concept, Body Image and the Personal Health of the Assumption University Female Students. (Full paper published in proceeding of Global Research Conference, UIC: Chicago, 28-29 October 2005.)

Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Third Year Nursing Students’ Opinions toward the Integration of Student-Centered Approach for Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum (Full paper published in proceeding of the Academic Conference and National Research Presentation, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand, 6-7 July, 2006).

Chinlumprasert, N, Supin, P., Ponyot, T., Tanawut, M., Taewrob, P, and Poonruksa, S. (2006). Utilizing EMDR for Mental Health Service with Tsunami Survivors in Thailand. (Full paper published in proceeding of Academic Seminar and Research Presentation titled “Mental Health Promotion for Thai People in Present Society” Richmond Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 30-31, August, 2006.)

Supin, P., Chinlumprasert, N., Poonruksa, S., Taewrob, P., and Ponyot,T. (2006). The Opinion of Tsunami Survivors toward the Effectiveness Outcomes of EMDR: Case Studies of Kholak, Phangnga Province. (Full paper published in proceeding of Seminar and Research Presentation titled “Mental Health Promotion for Thai People in Present Society” Richmond Hotel, Nonthaburi, 30-31, August 2006)

Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Integration of Student-Centered Approach toward Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum. (Paper published in International Conference on Educational Leadership titled: Leadership in A Global Context: erspectives and Challenges in Higher Education” arranged by Faculty of Education, Assumption University, in conjunction with the University Partners for Academic Leadership (UPAL) at Assumption University, Bangna Campus. 24-25 November 2006)

Poonruksa, S. (2007) and Pheakpan, P. The Effectiveness Outcomes of Student-Centered Approach Integration in Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum: Case Study in Assumption University Nursing Students (Paper publish in proceeding of SEAIR conference, 5-7 September 2007 at Suwarnabhumi campus, Assumption University, Thailand)

Poonruksa, S. (2009). Bridging the Gap between Nursing Service and Education with Learning Experience on Cultural Care. Full paper published in the proceeding of The Silver Jubilee International Conference on “Toward the Modern Challengers of Nursing Profession for Sufficiency Health” November 18-19, 2009

Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S. (2009). Health Accessibility of Burmese Migrants: The Baseline Survey in Central Thailand. Online Presentation on USAID website.

Poonruksa, S. (2010). “The Patterns and Causes of Drinking among Students in a Private University” Paper published in AU Journal of Technology, 14(4), April 2011

Poonruksa, S. (2011). “Alcolhol Consumption Behaviors: Case Study among Students in a Private University” Paper published in proceeding in the Innovative Higher Education: Key Drivers towards a Sustainable Development PAGE 115-118, 19 July, 2011 at Convention Hall, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand

Poonruksa S., Chinlumprasert, N., and Thummapol, O. (2013) “The Effects of Self-Directed Learning Program on Tobacco Control among Nursing Students, Faculty of Nursing Science, in Assumption University. Published in the proceeding of APHET conference 2013, Phayub University, 31 May 2013 page 619-630.

Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S. (2013) “Perceived Health Status and Accessibility to Health Care Services of Burmese Migrants in Central Thailand.” Paper presented and published at the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.

Poonraksa, S. “The Effect of Language Handbook Guideline for Development English and Arabic Speaking Proficiency of Nursing Staff in a Private Hospital Readiness for ASEAN Community.” Proceedings of the Burapha University International Conference 2012 “Global Change: Opportunity & Risk”, Pattaya, Thailand, July 9-11. 2012:185-195.

Poonruksa, S. “The Accessibility on Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in Bangkok Metropolitan.” Paper published at the 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.

Poonruksa, S. “The Effect of Fall Prevention Tools on Fall Prevention Behaviors of Patients in a Private Hospital” National conference of nursing division, APHEIT entitled “Innovative Learning Skills for Excellent Nursing Competency”, 100-107, 31 October-1 November 2013 at John XXIII conference center, Assumption University, Suvarnbhumi campus

Poonruksa, S. “The Barrier of Accessibility to Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in a Thai Muslim Community in Bangkok” Published in the Proceeding of APHEIT national conference, 31 May, 2014 at Vonchavalitkul University, Nakhonratchasima province

Poonruksa, S. “An Application of Continuous Quality Improvement Project; 3 Cs: Concern, Check, Confirm for Minimizing the Mismatch Patient’s ocument in a Private Hospital” Presented in the APHEIT national conference, 15 January 2015 at Siam University, Bangkok

Khaing Khaing Gyi and Siriporn Poonruksa. Factor Influencing Alcohol Use Behaviors among Nursing Students, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand. Proceeding of APHEIT Conference 2016, May 25, 2017, at Rattana Bundit University, 940-948.

Chaleoykitti, S., Poonruksa, S. Prasertsong, C., Pungbangkadee, R., Chaiyasang, P., Taweewanich, S. & Satsin, T. (2021). The effect of the positive Psychological capital program on smoking cesation of the conscripts. Journal of The Police Nurses. 13(1), January-June: 190-198. Funding 80,000 baht from NAT.

Poonruksa, S. (2022). The effects of e-cigarette smoking cessation online program on knowledge, attitude, and intention to quit among student smokers of a private university. Journal of Nursing Science Christian University. 9(1), January-June: 20-28.


Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S. (2021). The happiness of giving of AU ambassador for🚭. Edited by Pungbangkadee, R., Prasertsong, C. pp. 22-27. Bangkok: Suetawan.

Poonruksa, S. (2022). Fight against the COVID-19 crisis: With the Gen Z campaign style. Edited by Prasertsong, C.,

Poonruksa, S., Pungbangkadee, R. Story Telling 2: Nursing Student Club Creating a Smoke Free Society, pp.105-111. Bangkok: Suetawan.

Name : Assistant Professor Dr. Siriporn Poonruksa

               ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร. ศิริพร พูลรักษ์

Education background:  

1986 Bachelor degree of Nursing Science Thai Red Cross College of Nursing, Bangkok, Thailand 
1996 M. Ed. (Developmental Psychology) Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand
2004 Ph.D. (Educational Research Methodology) (Department of Education Research and Psychology)
Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
2013 Leadership For Change (LFC) Training in-cooperation with of International Council of Nurse (ICN) and Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC)

Professional Experiences:
1985‑1988 R.N. (Intensive Care Unit), King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.
1989‑1993 R.N. (Public Health Department), Teacher Council, Bangkok, Thailand.
1993‑2005 Full time Instructor of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Division, Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand.
2004-present Chair-person of Research and Evaluation Committee, Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand
2005-2007 Chair-person of Research and General Education and Administrative committee, Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand
2007-2014 Full time lecturer, Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University
2008-present Internal Audit and Assessment Teams for Academic Unit 
27 February, 2014-31 July 2015 Associate Dean, Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science, Assumption University of Thailand
1 August, 2015-present Full time lecturer, Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University 2013-present International Affairs Committee, The Nurses Association of Thailand 
2017-present Advisor of Nursing Student Club Creating a Smoke-Free Society of Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science
2017-2020 Committee of Nurse Network on Tobacco Control: Central region, The Nurses’ Association of Thailand 
2021 Co-Chairperson of Nurse Network on Tobacco Control: Central region, The Nurses’ Association of Thailand

 Other Experiences:
2000-present Research Instrument Validator for the Graduate Program of Chulalongkorn University/ Srinakharinwirot University/Burapa University, and Assumption University
2001-present Peer Review of Research in Education, Psychology, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, and Nursing Research 2002-present Consultant on Data Analysis of Research in Education, Psychology, Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing, and Nursing Research
2002-Present Research Assistant in Education, Psychology, and Nursing Areas
2005 Guest speaker on topic of Nursing Research and Multiculturalism in Healthcare
2005 Researcher in collaboration with MIRT project, U.S. 
2005 Editorial Board and Content Editor (Peer Review) of Thai Journal of Nursing
2006 Guest speaker of ONESQA for Quality Assurance in Higher Education 
2007-Present Thesis committee and Measurement validator, Burapha University, Rachphatpibulsongkram, and Chulalongkorn University 
2008-present IAAT, Assumption University of Thailand
2008-present Peer review of research and academic articles
2017 Attend ICN Congress, Barcelona, Spain on May 27-June 1, 2017

Honors and award:

2000-2004 Assumption University Scholarship Award for Ph. D study
2004 Exceptional research presentation in International Conference arranged by SEMEO-UNESCO
2005 Excellence Dissertation Award, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
2006 Accepted for research presentation in Academic Conference and National Research Presentation “Innovation for Developing Learner” arranged by Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University
2006 Third class of Saint Thomas Aquinas Research Award from Assumption University
2007 Exceptional research presentation in Academic Conference and International Research Presentation arranged UPAL and SEAIR 
2010 Research funds from the Nurses’ Association of Thailand on Tobacco Control 
2013 Research funds from Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council for oral presentation in the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.
2014 Academic project funds and acceptional oral presentation for Tobacco Control project from the Nurse Association of Thailand on Tobacco Control

 Professional Memberships:
1985-Present The Nurses’ Association of Thailand
1985-Present The Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council
1999-Present The Thailand Mental Health and Psychiatric Nurses’ Association

The License of Nursing and Midwifery No. 4511035536, issued by the Thailand Nursing Council 24 December 2017-23 December 2022

Poonruksa, S., Viratchai, N., and Pitiyanuwat, S. (2004). A Development of Measurement and Causal Models of Teacher Utilization
Efficiency and A Study of Mode Invariance across Jurisdiction. (An International Presentation in SEMEO-UNESCO Education Congress and Expo: Adapting to Changing Time and Needs; Queen Sirikit National Convention Center, Bangkok, Thailand: 27-29, May, 2004.)

Poonruksa, S. (2005). The Third Year Nursing Students’ Opinions toward the Integration of Student-Centered Approach for Field Trip inMental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum (Presented in the 3 th Nursing Research Seminar, Redison Hotel, Bangkok Thailand. 22-24 August, 2005)

Kirksey, R. and Poonruksa, S. (2005). The Relationship between Self Concept, Body Image and the Personal Health of the Assumption University Female Students. (Presented in Global Research Conference, UIC: Chicago, 28-29 October, 2005)

Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Third Year Nursing Students’ Opinions toward the Integration of Student-Centered Approach for Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum (Presented in the Academic Conference and National Research Presentation, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand, 6-7 July, 2006)

Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Integration of Student-Centered Approach toward Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum. (Paper is accepted to present in International Conference on Educational Leadership titled :Leadership in A Global Context: Perspectives and Challenges in Higher Education” arranged by Faculty of Education, Assumption University, in conjunction with the University Partners for Academic Leadership (UPAL) at Assumption University, Bangna Campus. 24-25 November, 2006)

Supin, P., Chinlumprasert, N., Poonruksa, S., Taewrob, P., and Ponyot, (2006). The Effectiveness Outcomes of EMDR for Tsunami Survivors: Case Studies of Kholak, Phangnga Province. (Presented in International Conference entitled “From Asylum to Community” Prince Palace Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-4 July, 2006)

Chinlumprasert, N, Supin, P., Ponyot, T., Tanawut, M., Taewrob, P, and Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Mental Health Service Utilizing EMDR with Tsunami Survivors in Thailand. (Presented in International Conference entitled “From Asylum to Community” Prince Palace Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 3-4 July, 2006

Supin, P., Chinlumprasert, N., Poonruksa, S., Taewrob, P., and Ponyot,T.\(2006). The Opinion of Tsunami Survivors toward the Effectiveness Outcomes of EMDR: Case Studies of Kholak, Phangnga Province. (Presented in Academic Seminar and Research Presentation titled “Mental Health Promotion for Thai People in Present Society” Richmond Hotel, Nonthaburee, 30-31, August, 2006)

Chinlumprasert, N, Supin, P., Ponyot, T., Tanawut, M., Taewrob, P, and Poonruksa, S. (2006). Utilizing EMDR for Mental Health Service with Tsunami Survivors in Thailand. (Presented in Academic Seminar and Research Presentation titled “Mental Health Promotion for Thai People in Present Society” Richmond Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 30-31, August, 2006.)

Poonruksa, S. (2007) and Pheakpan, P. The Effectiveness Outcomes of Student-Centered Approach Integration in Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum: Case Study in Assumption University Nursing Students (Paper presented in SEAIR conference, 5-7 September, 2007 at Suwarnabhumi campus, Assumption University, Thailand)

Poonruksa, S. (2009). Bridging the Gap between Nursing Service and Education with Learning Experience on Cultural Care. Poster presentation in the 1st International Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science entitled “Towards creating a new domain of nursing knowledge” on September 19-20, 2009 at Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Japan. 

Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S. (2009).  The Nurses of Community Training Model for Community Health System Development: The Community Participation Approach. (Oral presentation in the 1st International Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science entitled “Towards creating a new domain of nursing knowledge” on September 19-20, 2009 at Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Japan.)

Poonruksa, S. (2009). Bridging the Gap between Nursing Service and Education with Learning Experience on Cultural Care. (Oral presentation in the The Silver Jubilee International Conference on “Toward the Modern Challengers of Nursing Profession for Sufficiency Health” November 18-19, 2009. S.D.Avenue Hotel, Bangkok.)

Poonruksa, S. (2010). “The Patterns and Causes of Drinking among Students in a Private University” (Paper presented in the 1st International Conference on Qualitative Research in Nursing & Health, on “Situating & Stipulating Qualitative Health Research in Today’s Practices”. Chiangrai, Thailand, December 1-3, 2010.)

Poonruksa S., Chinlumprasert, N., and Thummapol, O.“The Effects of Self-Directed Learning Program on Tobacco Control among Nursing Students, Faculty of Nursing Science, in Assumption University. (Presented in the APHET conference 2013, Phayub University, 31 May, 2013 page 619-630.) 

Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S.. “Perceived Health Status and Accessibility to Health Care Services of Burmese Migrants in Central Thailand.” (Presented in the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.)

Poonraksa, S.  “The Effect of Language Handbook Guideline for Development English and Arabic Speaking Proficiency of Nursing Staff in a Private Hospital Readiness for ASEAN Community.”  (Presented in the Burapha University International Conference 2012 “Global Change: Opportunity & Risk”, Pattaya, Thailand, July 9-11. 2012:185-195.)

Poonruksa, S. “The Accessibility on Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in Bangkok Metropolitan.”  (Presented in the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.)

Poonruksa, S. “The Effect of Fall Prevention Tools on Fall Prevention Behaviors of Patients in a Private Hospital” Presented in National conference of nursing division, APHEIT entitled “Innovative Learning Skills for Excellent Nursing Competency”, page 100-107, 31 October-1 November 2013 at John XXIII conference center,  Assumption University, Suvarnbhumi campus

Poonruksa, S. “The Barrier of Accessibility to Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in a Thai Muslim Community in Bangkok” Presented in the APHEIT national conference, 31 May, 2014 at Vonchavalitkul University, Nakhonratchasima province

Poonruksa, S. “An Application of Continuous Quality Improvement Project; 3 Cs: Concern, Check, Confirm for Minimizing the Mismatch Patient’s Document in a Private Hospital” Presented in the APHEIT national conference, 15 January, 2015at Siam University, Bangkok

Poonruksa, S. and Elsayed, M.E. (2019). Factors contributing to perception of health effects of electronic-cigarette smoking among Assumption University students. Oral presentation in the national conference entitled “Healthy and Prosperity: Power of  Nurses in Transforming Innovative Aging Care”, arranging by the Association of Private Higher Education Institution (APHEIT): Nursing Division at John XXIII Conference Center, Assumption University, Suvarnbhumi Campus on March 28-29, 2019.


Poonruksa, S. (2002). Emotional Intelligence. AU Journal of Technology. Vol. 6 Number 1, July 2002.

Poonruksa, S. Viratchai, N., and Pitiyanuwat, S. (2004). A Development of Measurement and Causal Models of Teacher Utilization Efficiency and A Study of Models Invariance Across Jurisdiction. (An Online Publication on SEMEO-UNESCO Website)

Poonruksa, S. (2005). The Third Year Nursing Students’ Opinions toward the Integration of Student-Centered Approach for Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum. (Abstract published in Proceedings of the 3 th Nursing Research Seminar: the Excellent Practice for the Health of Thai People.,pp. 117, Thailand Nursing Council, Bangkok. 2005)

Poonruksa, S. and Kirksey, R. (2005). The Relationship between Self Concept, Body Image and the Personal Health of the Assumption University Female Students. (Full paper published in proceeding of Global Research Conference, UIC: Chicago, 28-29 October, 2005.)

Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Third Year Nursing Students’ Opinions toward the Integration of Student-Centered Approach for Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum (Full paper published in proceeding of the Academic Conference and National Research Presentation, Faculty of Education, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok,Thailand, 6-7 July, 2006).

Chinlumprasert, N, Supin, P., Ponyot, T., Tanawut, M., Taewrob, P, and Poonruksa, S. (2006). Utilizing EMDR for Mental Health Service with Tsunami Survivors in Thailand. (Full paper published in proceeding of Academic Seminar and Research Presentation titled “Mental Health Promotion for Thai People in Present Society” Richmond Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, 30-31, August, 2006.)

Supin, P., Chinlumprasert, N., Poonruksa, S., Taewrob, P., and Ponyot,T. (2006). The Opinion of Tsunami Survivors toward the Effectiveness Outcomes of EMDR: Case Studies of Kholak, Phangnga Province. (Full paper published in proceeding of Seminar and Research Presentation titled “Mental Health Promotion for Thai People in Present Society” Richmond Hotel, Nonthaburee, 30-31, August, 2006)

Poonruksa, S. and Kirksey, R. (2006). The Relationship between Self Concept, Body Image and the Personal Health of the Assumption University Female Students. (Full paper is ongoing process to publish in Asia Journal of Nursing).

Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Integration of Student-Centered Approach toward Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum. (Paper published in International Conference on Educational Leadership titled :Leadership in A Global Context:Perspectives and Challenges in Higher Education” arranged by Faculty of Education, Assumption University, in conjunction with the University Partners for Academic Leadership (UPAL) at Assumption University, Bangna Campus. 24-25 November, 2006)

Poonruksa, S. (2007) and Pheakpan, P.. The Effectiveness Outcomes of Student-Centered Approach Integration in Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum: Case Study in Assumption University Nursing Students (Paper publish in proceeding of SEAIR conference, 5-7 September, 2007 at Suwarnabhumi campus, Assumption University, Thailand)

Poonruksa, S. (2009). Bridging the Gap between Nursing Service and Education with Learning Experience on Cultural Care. Full paper published in the proceeding of  The Silver Jubilee International Conference on “Toward the Modern Challengers of Nursing Profession for Sufficiency Health” November 18-19, 2009.

Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S. (2009). Health Accessibility of Burmese Migrants: The Baseline Survey in Central Thailand. Online Presentation on USAID website.

Poonruksa, S. (2010). “The Patterns and Causes of Drinking among Students in a Private University” Paper published in AU Journal of Technology, 14(4), April 2011

Poonruksa, S. (2011). “Alcolhol Consumption Behaviors: Case Study Among Students in a Private University” Paper published in proceeding in the Innovative Higher Education: Key Drivers towards a Sustainable Development PAGE 115-118, 19 July, 2011 at Convention Hall, Chulabhorn Research Institute, Bangkok, Thailand

Poonruksa S., Chinlumprasert, N., and Thummapol, O.“The Effects of Self-Directed Learning Program on Tobacco Control among Nursing Students, Faculty of Nursing Science, in Assumption University. Published in the proceeding of APHET conference 2013, Phayub University, 31 May, 2013 page 619-630. Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S.. “Perceived Health Status and Accessibility to Health Care Services of Burmese Migrants in Central Thailand.” Paper presented at the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.

Poonraksa, S.  “The Effect of Language Handbook Guideline for Development English and Arabic Speaking Proficiency of Nursing Staff in a Private Hospital Readiness for ASEAN Community.”  Proceedings of the Burapha University International Conference 2012 “Global Change: Opportunity & Risk”, Pattaya, Thailand, July 9-11. 2012:185-195.

 Poonruksa, S. “The Accessibility on Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in Bangkok Metropolitan.”  Paper published at the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013.

Poonruksa, S. “The Effect of Fall Prevention Tools on Fall Prevention Behaviors of Patients in a Private Hospital” National conference of nursing division, APHEIT entitled “Innovative Learning Skills for Excellent Nursing Competency”, page 100-107, 31 October-1 November 2013 at John XXIII conference center,  Assumption University, Suvarnbhumi campus

Poonruksa, S. “The Barrier of Accessibility to Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in a Thai Muslim Community in Bangkok” Published in the Proceeding of APHEIT national conference, 31 May, 2014 at Vonchavalitkul University, Nakhonratchasima province

Poonruksa, S. “An Application of Continuous Quality Improvement Project; 3 Cs: Concern, Check, Confirm for Minimizing the Mismatch Patient’s Document in a Private Hospital” Presented in the APHEIT national conference, 15 January, 2015at Siam University, Bangkok

Khaing Khaing Gyi and Siriporn Poonruksa. Factor Influencing Alcohol Use Behaviors among Nursing Students, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand. Proceeding of APHEIT Conference 2016, May 25, 2017 at Rattana Bundit University, page 940-948.

Chinlumprasert, N. and Poonruksa, S. (2020). The happiness of giving of AU ambassador for . Story telling of nursing student club creating a smoke-free society. 

Supa Pudkasam, Siriporn Poonruksa, Nanthaphan Chinlumprasert. (2021). Exercise and psychological health in Middle-life. Ongoing process to publish in Elsevier publishing company.



Poonruksa, S. (2003). An Overview of Au Nursing Students toward Emotional Intelligence. (Research Fund from Faculty of Nursing Science)

Poonruksa, S. Viratchai, N., and Pitiyanuwat, S.  (2004). A Development of Measurement and Causal Models of Teacher Utilization Efficiency  and A Study of Models Invariance Across Jurisdiction. (Researcher presentation fund was supported by Assumption University of Thailand)

Poonruksa, S. and team. (2004). The Marketing Survey on Spa and Nursery Services in Assumption University. (Research Fund from Faculty of Nursing Science)

Poonruksa, S. (2005). The Third Year Nursing Students’ Opinions toward the Integration of Student-Centered Approach for Field Trip in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum. (Research Fund from Faculty of Nursing Science and Research Presentation Fund was supported by Thailand Nursing Council)

Poonruksa, S. (2005). The Survey on Faculty’s and Staff’s Satisfaction toward Management System of Faculty of Nursing Science. (Research Fund from Faculty of Nursing Science)

Poonruksa, S. and Kirksey, R. (2005). The Relationship between Self Concept, Body Image and The Personal Health of the Assumption University Female Student (in cooperating with Minority Research Training (MIRT) project from U.S., (Research fund was supported by MIRT project)

Poonruksa, S. (2006). The Integration of Student-Centered Approach toward The Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum for Fourth Year Nursing Student. (Research fund for presentation was supported by the Assumption University)

Poonruksa, S. (2006). Factor Affecting Body Image of Female Au Students. (in cooperating with MIRT project from U.S., Research fund is supported by MIRT project)

Poonruksa, S. (2007). The Effectiveness Outcomes of Student-Centered Approach Integration in Nursing Leadership and Management Practicum: Case Study in Assumption University Nursing Students (The research fund for oral presentation was supported by the Assumption University)

Chinlumprasert, N., Poonruksa, S., and Chusri, O. (2008). The Study of Potentiality and Readiness of Local Administration in the Cooperation to Produce Nurse of Community and Develop Community Health System. (Research fund was supported by Thai Health Organization, Thai Nursing Council and Midwifery, and National Health Security Office)

Chinlumprasert, N., and Poonruksa, S., (2008). The Development of Community Health System: The Multisite Case Study of Three Local Administrations. (Research fund was supported by Thai Health Organization, Thai Nursing Council and Midwifery, and National Health Security Office)

Poonruksa, S. (2009). Bridging the Gap between Nursing Service and Education with Learning Experience on Cultural Care. Poster presentation in the 1st International Research Conference of World Academy of Nursing Science entitled “Towards creating a new domain of nursing knowledge” on September 19-20, 2009 at Kobe International Exhibition Hall, Japan. (Funding supported by Assumption University and OJSAT for poster in Kobe, Japan and oral presentation in Bangkok, Thailand)

Poonruksa, S. (2010). “The Patterns and Causes of Drinking among Students in a Private University” Paper presented at the 1st International Conference on Qualitative Research in Nursing & Health, on “Situating & Stipulating Qualitative Health Research in Today’s Practices”. Chiangrai, Thailand, December 1-3, 2010. (Funding supported by Assumption University for oral presentation in Chiangrai, Thailand)

Thummapol, O., Chinlumprasert, N., and Poonruksa S. “The Effects of Self-Directed Learning Program on Tobacco Control among Nursing Students, Faculty of Nursing Science, in a Private University.” Funded by The Nurses Association of Thailand (NAT)

Chinlumprasert, N., Poonruksa, S., and Thanawut, M. “Professional Nurses: Gender Issues and Culture of Health Delivery System in Central Region.” Funded by Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council (TNMC) and Center for Training on Gender and Women’s Health, Khon Kean University.

Poonruksa, S. “The Accessibility on Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in Bangkok Metropolitan.”  Paper presented at the ICN 25th Quadrennial Congress, Melbourne, Australia, May 18-23, 2013. (Fund support for presentation by Thailand Nursing and Midwifery Council)

Poonruksa, S. “The Effect of Fall Prevention Tools on Fall Prevention Behaviors of Patients in a Private Hospital” National conference of nursing division, APHEIT entitled “Innovative Learning Skills for Excellent Nursing Competency”, page 100-107, 31 October-1 November 2013 at John XXIII conference center,  Assumption University, Suvarnbhumi campus (Fund support by Assumption University)

Poonruksa, S. “The Barrier of Accessibility to Breast Cancer Screening of Thai-Muslim Women in a Thai Muslim Community in Bangkok” Published in the Proceeding of APHEIT national conference, 31 May, 2014 at Vonchavalitkul University, Nakhonratchasima province (Fund support by Assumption University)

Poonruksa, S. “An Application of Continuous Quality Improvement Project; 3 Cs: Concern, Check, Confirm for Minimizing the Mismatch Patient’s Document in a Private Hospital” Presented in the APHEIT national conference, 15 January, 2015at Siam University, Bangkok (Fund support by Assumption University)

Poonruksa, S. (2015). The Experience of the Official Line Group Application on Nurses’ Awareness for Fall Prevention in a Private Hospital. APHEIT Conference 2016 proceeding, May 26, 2016, North Eastern University, Khonkaen, Thailand. (Fund support for presentation from Assumption University)

Khaing Khaing Gyi and Siriporn Poonruksa. Factor Influencing Alcohol Use Behaviors among Nursing Students, Assumption University, Bangkok, Thailand. Proceeding of APHEIT Conference 2016, May 25, 2017 at Rattana Bundit University, page 940-948. (Fund support for presentation from Assumption University)

Siriporn Poonruksa. (2017). The Comparative Study about Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of Student in Assumption University. (Research Fund support from Assumption University)

Saisamorn, C., Siriporn, P., Chadapa, P. Rudee, P., Phatcharaporn C.,

Saowanee, T., & Threerachol, S. (2020-2021).  The Effect of Positive Psychological Capital Program on Smoking Cessation of the Cornscripts. (Research fund support from Tobacco Control Network, the Nurses Association of Thailand)