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BLNS’ Knowledge Management Seminar

The Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science (BLNS) organized the Knowledge Management Seminar on the topic of “How to Make a Successful PR?” on May 24, 2023,  09:00 – 12:00 Hours at the Meeting Room, 1st Floor of Martin de Tours Building. The knowledge management project was chaired by Dr. Phat Prapawichar, Associate Dean of BLNS. It aimed to 1) share experiences about how to attract prospective students and boost enrollment,  2) share experiences about how to keep the rate of student retention among faculty members. The program consisted of  opening address “Background of BLNS’ Knowledge Management” by Dr. Pimsiri Bhusiri, Dean of BLNS, sharing experiences on the topic of “How to attract prospective   students and boost enrollment?” by Asst. Prof. Dr. Onouma Thummapol, Faculty Academic  Committee, How to attract the prospective students  shared by A. Napaswan Namboonsri, Chairperson of Student Development Committee and Team, and discussion by all faculty members  : How to help the School to reduce the dropout rates?. The last session was  wrap up session by Dr. Pimsiri Bhusiri, Dean of BLNS.