NAME: DR. SUPA PUDKASAM ดร. สุภาว์ ปัดเกษม ADDRESS: Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University of Thailand. Hua mak, Bangkapi, Bangkok, 10240, ThailandTel 662-3004543-62 Ext. 3505Fax: 662 -7191060Email: EDUCATION: Bachelor of …
CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Dr. Patra PhuekphanADDRESS: Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science, Assumption University of Thailand. Hua Mak, Bangkapi, Bangkok, Thailand, 10240Tel: +662-3004543-62 Ext 3509Fax: +662 -7191060Email:; EDUCATION: Ph.D., Doctor of Philosophy Program in Nursing Science (International …
NAME: Dr. Phat Prapawichar ดร. พัด ประภาวิชา ADDRESS: Faculty of Nursing Science, Assumption University, Hua mak, Bangkapi, Bangkok, 10240, Thailand Tel: (662) 3004543 – 62 Ext. 3510, 3505 Fax : (662) 7191060 Email: EDUCATION …
Curriculum VitaeNAME: Dr. Pimsiri BhusiriADDRESS:Faculty of Nursing Science, Hua Mak campus, Bangkapi, Bangkok, 10240, Thailand Telephone: (66)2 -7191060, (66)2-3004543-62 Ext. 3505E-mail: EDUCATION: Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (Ph. D., International Program), Mahidol University by AU’s Scholarship in 2016Master of Science (M.Sc. in …
Why Study with Us?The Faculty of Nursing Science at Assumption University (formerly known as ABAC) is the first and only sustainable international nursing program among 89 nursing schools in Thailand. We offer an international nursing program that reflects the standards …
NAME: Asst.Prof.Dr. Onouma ThummapolContact information:Tel: +023004543 #3505Email: PRESENTATIONS: Schick-Makaroff, K., Levay, A., Thompson, S., Flynn, R., Sawatzky, R., Thummapol, O., Klarenbach, S., Karimi-Dehkordi, M., & Greenhalgh, J. (2019). The current state of the field on patient-reported outcomes in chronic …
Sumonrat Supkeit, a senior nursing student, was among the prestigious winners of the “Ambassadors for a Day Contest” recently launched by a group of 11 embassies in Thailand with female ambassadors and 6 International or UN related Organizations to mark …
Ms. Juthamat Phanwilai, a senior nursing student at the Faculty of Nursing Science was selected to be the representative of Assumption University of Thailand to participate in the Royal Student Award 2020 competition. This competition was arranged by Ministry of Higher Education, Science, …
Warm Welcoming Program for AU Freshy Nursing Science Students. Nursing Student Committee of Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science organizes Nursing Induction Camp Project for freshmen studying in the academic year 2020 on December 20, 2020 from 13.00-18.00 hrs. …
The Faculty of Nursing Science organized the Nursing Convocation for nursing graduates class of 2019 on December 4, 2020 at Salle d’Expo, Assumption University. The convocation ceremony aimed to strengthen nursing culture, tradition, and morality including positive attitudes toward nursing …