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Bachelor of Nursing Science

Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science

Assumption University

“The First International Nursing Program in Thailand”

The Faculty of Nursing Science has been established in 1988 and was fully accredited by the Ministry of University Affairs on June 1, 1992. The Faculty of Nursing Science, as an integral part of the Assumption University of Thailand, positions itself as a community of students and scholars for whom the dimension of faith and spiritual perception are of great significance. We have philosophy of education which is committed to variety and plurality of ideas and beliefs based on metaparadigm in nursing education. There are man, health, environment, and nursing which are interrelation.
We believe that man is a holistic being that justifies himself and his existence by the nobility of his work, his ability to adapt himself to ever changing global society through continuous self development. Man is a being of uniqueness, dignity and potential of self-care that can influence and be influenced by dynamic environment. We also believe that health is delineated by optimal state of happiness and well being. Health is human rights, and health promotion is the prime strategy for healthy life. Comprehensive health approach is the core value of health care. Gender equality and equity access to health care are ultimate goals.
We believe that nursing is an ethical and autonomous profession. Nursing Science is multidisciplinary body of knowledge derived by evidence-based inquiry. Nursing services are provided through family-centered approach and Self care conceptual framework is the main concept in nursing process. The units of nursing services are individual, family, and community. Quality of nursing is ensured by systematic process responding to contemporary phenomenon. We are committed to utilize student-centered and international approaches in educational process and management with highly qualified faculty scholars.
Our graduates have better opportunities in nursing and other careers both in National and International institutions such as renown private hospitals, professional nurses, flight attendants, nursing educators, health business owners etc. They also have high potential in continuing education abroad both in Master and Doctoral degree in Nursing Science, Business Administration, and other related health science fields.
The Nursing Science program of Assumption University aims to produce qualified professional nursing graduates who:
  • demonstrate sense of maturity and professional growth,
  • possess high professional qualification, and distinctive entrepreneurship,
  • literate in health care informatics and management,
  • balance business orientation with nursing profession,
  • perform sustainable development and scientific inquiry through research,
  • present leadership qualities and ethical mind,
  • manifest assertiveness and social accountability,
  • are well versed in English and other languages,
  • effectively collaborate with national and international health care team.


The leading international nursing school producing nursing graduates excelling in professional competence, meeting international standards, modeling educational innovation, transformative learning, and outstanding nursing educational management in South-East Asia region.


Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science is committed to serve the global society by providing high quality international nursing education with the best academic resources, using student-centered approach, transformative learning strategy, advanced information technology and innovations to:

  • produce high quality nursing graduates according to AU nursing graduate identity: “LEADER”
  • render academic services and social responsibility
  • create a body of knowledge through research and nursing innovation
  • preserve Thai arts and culture including embrace cultural diversity and cultural sensitivity
  • facilitate holistic formation of faculty members and nursing graduates

Core Value

Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science assumes quality of holistic formation and lifelong learning as the core values of the nursing faculty and graduates, and adopts the AU Core Value of “CARE” as the following acronyms:

C = Christian values

  • Faith
  • Hope
  • Love

A = Accountability

R = Righteousness

E = Excellence

AU Identity

Identity of Assumption University students and graduates

  1. Ethics
  • Integrity
  • Social consciousness & responsibility
  • Discipline
  1. English Language Proficiency
  2. Entrepreneurial Spirit
  • Leadership
  • Management knowledge
  • Labor Omnia Vincit

AU Nursing Graduates’ Identity

The Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science has its special identity to identify AU nursing graduates’ characteristics as “LEADER” according to the following acronyms:     

L           =         Leadership

E          =          English Proficiency

A         =          Advance Technology

D         =          Dependence on Ethics Principles in Working

E          =          Entrepreneurial Spirit

R         =          Responsibility

AU Nursing Motto: Serving all men