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Bachelor of Nursing Science Program

(International Program)

Curriculum 2022

Total Credits:  136 Credits

     1. General Education Courses           30 Credits 
     2. Basic Professional Courses 24 Credits
     3. Professional Courses (Theory)40 Credits
     4. Professional Courses (Practicum)36 Credits
     5. Free Elective Courses        6 Credits

1. General Education Courses (30 Credits)

15 Credits

ELE 1001 Communicative English I 3 (2-3-6)
ELE 1002 Communicative English II 3 (2-3-6)
ELE 2000 Academic English 3 (2-3-6)
ELE 2001 Advanced Academic English 3 (2-3-6)
Choose one of the following Thai Language and Communication courses based on the course pre-requisite:
GE 1410 Thai for Professional Communication (for Thai students) 2(2-0-4)
GE 1411 Thai Language and Culture for Multicutural Communication (for non-Thai students) 2 (2-0-4)
GE 1412 Introductory Thai Usage (for Thai students from International School) 2 (2-0-4)

9 Credits           

GE 2202 Ethics 3 (3-0-6)
BBA 1004 Essential Marketing for Entrepreneurs 2 (2-0-4)
BBA 1005 Essential Finance for Entrepreneurs 2 (2-0-4)
BBA 1006    Essential Economics for Entrepreneurs 2 (2-0-4)

2 Credits

GE   2110 Human Civilization and Global Citizen 2 (2-0-4)

5 Credits

GE  1303 Science for Sustainable Future 2 (2-0-4)
BBA 1007 Data Analytics for Entrepreneurs 3 (3-0-6)

2. Basic Professional Courses (24 Credits)

NUR 1101


2 (2-0-4)

NUR 1102

Introduction to Nursing and Design Thinking

2 (2-0-4)

NUR 1103

Psychology and Mental Health

3 (3-0-6)

NUR 1104

Healthcare in the Digital Era

2 (1-2-3)

NUR 1105

Anatomy and Physiology

5 (4-2-9)

NUR 2101

Microbiology and Parasitology

2 (1-2-3)

NUR 2102


2 (2-0-4)

NUR 2103


3 (3-0-6)

NUR 2104

Nutrition for Health and Wellbeing

1 (1-0-2)

NUR 2105

Entrepreneurship and Innovation

2 (2-0-4)

3. Professional Courses – Theory (40 Credits)

NUS 1201

Health and Wellness Promotion through the Lifespan

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 2201

Scientific Nursing Approach and Holistic Health Assessment

2 (1-2-3)

NUS 2202

Foundation of Professional Nursing

4 (2-4-6)

NUS 2203

Alteration in Adult Health and Nursing I

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 2204

Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nursing I

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 2205

Childbearing and Family Nursing I

3 (3-0-6)

NUS 3201

Research and Evidence Informed Nursing Practice

2 (1-2-3)

NUS 3202

Alteration in Adult Health and Nursing II

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 3203

Emergency Nursing

1 (1-0-2)

NUS 3204

Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nursing II

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 3205

Gerontology Nursing

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 3206

Community Focused Nursing

4 (4-0-8)

NUS 3207

Bio-Behavioral-Psychiatric Nursing

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 3208

Childbearing and Family Nursing II

3 (3-0-6)

NUS 4201

Therapeutic Health Assessment

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 4202

Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Interprofessional Practice

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 4203

Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Ethics and Law

2 (2-0-4)

NUS 4204

Trends and Challenges in Nursing and Healthcare Forum

1 (1-0-2)

4. Professional Courses – Practicum (36 Credits)

NUS 2301

Clinical Practicum for Professional Nursing Foundation

2 (0-6-2)

NUS 2302

Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nursing Practicum I

2 (0-6-2)

NUS 3301

Clinical Practicum in Adult Health Nursing I

3 (0-9-3)

NUS 3302

Childbearing and Family Nursing Practicum I

4 (0-12-4)

NUS 3303

Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nursing Practicum II

3 (0-9-3)

NUS 3304

Clinical Practicum in Adult Health Nursing II

3 (0-9-3)

NUS 3305

Gerontology Nursing Practicum

2 (0-6-2)

NUS 3306

Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum

3 (0-9-3)

NUS 4301

Childbearing and Family Nursing Practicum II

3 (0-9-3)

NUS 4302

Community Focused Nursing Practicum

3 (0-9-3)

NUS 4303

Leadership and Healthcare Entrepreneurial Experience

3 (0-9-3)

NUS 4304

Therapeutic Health Assessment Practicum

2 (0-6-2)

NUS 4305

Integrative Nursing Practicum in a Focused Area

3 (0-9-3)

5. Free Elective Courses (6 Credits)

Students can take free elective courses of 6 credits from any available program in Assumption University upon completion of the prerequisites (if any). The Bernadette de Lourdes School of Nursing Science has also offered the free elective courses as follows:

NUE 1401

Professional Etiquette and Personality Development

3 (3-0-6)

NUE 1402

Health and Wellness Development

3 (3-0-6)


First Semester

ELE 1001 Communicative English I 3 (2-3-6)
BBA 1004 Essential Marketing for Entrepreneurs 2 (2-0-4)
BBA  1005 Essential Finance for Entrepreneurs 2 (2-0-4)
GE   1303 Science for Sustainable Future                           2 (2-0-4)
NUR 1101 Biochemistry 2 (2-0-4)
NUR 1102 Introduction to Nursing and Design Thinking 2 (2-0-4)
NUR 1103 Psychology and Mental Health 3 (3-0-6)
  Total 16 (15-3-32)

Second Semester

ELE 1002 Communicative English II 3 (2-3-6)
BBA 1006 Essential Economics for Entrepreneurs 2 (2-0-4)
BBA 1007 Data Analytics for Entrepreneurs 3 (2-2-5)
GE XXXX Choose one of the Thai Language and Communication Courses 2 (2-0-4)
NUR 1104 Healthcare in the Digital Era 2 (1-2-3)
NUS 1201 Health and Wellness Promotion through the Lifespan 2 (2-0-4)
  Free Elective 3 (3-0-6)
  Total 17 (14-7-32)

Summer Semester

NUR 1105 Anatomy and Physiology 5 (4-2-9)
  Total 5 (4-2-9)

First Semester

ELE 2000 Academic English 3 (2-3-6)
NUR 2101 Microbiology and Parasitology 2 (1-2-3)
NUR 2102 Pathophysiology 2 (2-0-4)
NUR 2103 Pharmacology 3 (3-0-6)
NUR 2104 Nutrition for Health and Wellbeing 1 (1-0-2)
NUS 2201 Scientific Nursing Approach and Holistic Health Assessment 2 (1-2-3)
NUS 2202 Foundation of Professional Nursing 4 (2-4-6)
  Total 17 (12-11-30)

Second Semester

ELE 2001 Advanced Academic English 3 (2-3-6)
GE  2110 Human Civilization and Global Citizen                                                   2 (2-0-4)
GE  2202 Ethics 3 (3-0-6)
NUR 2105 Entrepreneurship and Innovation 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 2203 Alteration in Adult Health and Nursing I 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 2204 Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nursing I 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 2301 Clinical Practicum for Professional Nursing Foundation 2 (0-6-2)
  Total 16 (12-9-30)

Summer Semester

NUS 2205 Childbearing and Family Nursing I 3 (3-0-6)
NUS 2302 Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nursing Practicum I 2 (0-6-2)
  Total 5 (3-6-8)

First Semester

NUS 3201 Research and Evidence Informed Nursing Practice 2 (1-2-3)
NUS 3202 Alteration in Adult Health and Nursing II 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 3203 Emergency Nursing 1 (1-0-2)
NUS 3204 Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nursing II 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 3205 Gerontology Nursing 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 3301 Clinical Practicum in Adult Health Nursing I 3 (0-9-3)
NUS 3302 Childbearing and Family Nursing Practicum I 4 (0-12-4)
  Total 16 (8-23-24)

Second Semester

NUS 3206 Community Focused Nursing 4 (4-0-8)
NUS 3207 Bio-Behavioral-Psychiatric Nursing 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 3208 Childbearing and Family Nursing II 3 (3-0-6)
NUS 3303 Infant, Child, and Adolescent Nursing Practicum II 3 (0-9-3)
NUS 3304 Clinical Practicum in Adult Health Nursing II 3 (0-9-3)
NUS 3305 Gerontology Nursing Practicum 2 (0-6-2)
  Total 17 (9-24-26)

Summer Semester

NUS 3306 Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Practicum 3 (0-9-3)
  Total 3 (0-9-3)

First Semester

NUS 4201 Therapeutic Health Assessment 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 4202 Leadership and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Interprofessional Practice 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 4301 Childbearing and Family Nursing Practicum II 3 (0-9-3)
NUS 4302 Community Focused Nursing Practicum 3 (0-9-3)
  Free Elective 3 (3-0-6)
  Total 13 (7-18-20)

Second Semester

NUS 4203 Contemporary Issues in Healthcare Ethics & Law 2 (2-0-4)
NUS 4204 Trends and Challenges in Nursing and Healthcare Forum 1 (1-0-2)
NUS 4303 Leadership and Healthcare Entrepreneurial Experience Practicum 3 (0-9-3)
NUS 4304 Therapeutic Health Assessment Practicum 2 (0-6-2)
NUS 4305 Integrative Nursing Practicum in a Focused Area 3 (0-9-3)
  Total 11 (3-24-14)